In a world undergoing rapid technological change, a church located in Lucerne, Switzerland, has decided to take a bold step by integrating artificial intelligence into its religious practices. Dubbed Deus in Machina, this project employs a Jesus avatar created by AI to collect confessions from the faithful. While some praise this innovation, others are quick to criticize it, labeling it a sacrilegious gimmick. This phenomenon has sparked intense discussions about the future of religious practices in the digital age.
Overview of the Deus in Machina Project
At the heart of this installation, a confessional traditionally dedicated to spiritual reconciliation has transformed into a space where visitors interact with a hologram of Jesus. The avatar, delicately designed by the AI process, is capable of conversing in no less than 100 different languages, thereby offering unprecedented accessibility to the faithful. Before engaging in a discussion, the hologram issues a warning: “Under no circumstances disclose personal information, use this service at your own risk, press the button if you agree.”
An enriching dialogue or just a gimmicky experience?
Visitor reactions vary widely. For some, the advice provided by the avatar is enlightening and offers a remarkable clarity on complex topics. One faithful expressed surprise at the relevance and ease of the exchange, citing inspiring responses on issues such as the spiral of violence and ways to address it, advocating prayer over retribution. However, others express reservations, calling this experience simplistic, even a “gadget” in which spirituality seems reduced to an algorithm.
The controversies surrounding artificial intelligence and faith
Religious practices often oppose technological advancements, and this project is no exception. Indeed, some critics believe that the presence of a virtual Jesus in a holy place is an aberration. Users on social platforms, such as X (formerly Twitter), have opened up to spartan reflections like “I don’t know if it’s sacrilegious or if it’s really cool.” Furthermore, anonymous threats have been made against the church, raising fears that the Deus in Machina project could have more serious consequences than one might think.
Responses from the clergy and future perspectives
In light of these criticisms, Marco Schimd, a theologian from the church, acknowledged that this project raises significant ethical questions while assuring that the responses provided by the hologram align with the church’s theological understanding. Despite the controversies, Deus in Machina remains a temporary installation whose main goal is to encourage discussions about the role of AI in religion. The 24/7 access to this type of spiritual support could even, if the results prove conclusive, lead to the involvement of other chatbots taking on responsibilities in ecclesiastical practice.
A changing world: the implications of AI on spirituality
As the boundaries between spirituality and technology blur, these innovations promise to redefine our understanding of religion in the future. The case of Deus in Machina represents a turning point in the history of religious practices. This raises questions about the place of artificial intelligence in our lives, as well as how we conceive spiritual dialogue. It will be interesting to follow the developments of this project and the results of this experimentation, the final conclusions of which should be available soon.